Well, it is officially summer... I know this because I broke a sweat trying to center a large lump of clay on the wheel in my studio. And it is only going to get hotter! But luckily this summer I am teaching at UGA and actually working over there quite a bit. Turns out, with twins, it is easier to get work done when you are not in the backyard!
Oh what a fabulous trip! The food, the colors, the beautiful details of everything, the lovely, lovely people- we really had a spectacular time. Don't get me wrong- there were some absolute disastrous times too, that generally involved one or two twins screaming loudly and alarming everyone around them... And the jet lag turned us all into nasty zombies for a while... But it was wonderful. I am so, so grateful to my mother for taking us and sharing the magic of her home.
I am so excited to have my new website up and running!!!! Big shout out to Corbin Baker for helping this luddite with a computer task... It is not fun! She has set me up with a MUCH more functioning and awesome website- thanks for checking it out.
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