Holiday Studio Sales

SO many years now of doing this holiday sale! And it keeps changing on me... Quite a year we have had! I hope this finds you safe and healthy. I am planning an outdoor sale this year with masks and social distancing required. The October sale went really well, we spread all the pots out quite far and though there was a small crowd, it was never crowded and everyone respected everyone else's space. Thank you for that! It was really incredible to see community and feel the support again after such a long time. So, we will plan on doing the exact same thing and hope for no rain! I am planning on going forward even with light rain, I will get a tent and adjust. So come on out! As usual, the first weekend in December will be just my work, and the second weekend will be the whole studio. I will have lots of planters, hanging planters, pinched and thrown mugs with varying decoration styles, slab plates, pour-over sets, earrings & tiles in wide variety of prices and sizes.
If you don't feel comfortable coming in person, or don't live nearby, I will put a new batch of pottery up online on Sunday, December 13th at noon EST. I am also excited to be part of an online show opening December 15th at Schaller Gallery called Strong, Resilient & Feminine. (You can bet I like being part of something with that name!) I sent pouring bowls (always giving), hanging pots (help things grow) and big bellied mugs like my pregnant with twins belly! Link below to Schaller. There is also a nice selection of work available at the wonderful Signature Shop in Atlanta- online and in person. Link below.
Thanks as always, and take good care of yourselves & loved ones.

Schaller Gallery and the Signature Shop.